CYD organizations exist to create generational positive impact for communities through the arts, not to run a nonprofit. Many CYD organizations start as a single program, offered by one or two people with a vision and mission to serve young people around them. And over time, those programs grow into nonprofit organizations out of necessity.
Traditionally, the nonprofit structure has been one of the only ways that programs can grow and scale their work. But, nonprofits demand so much of their leaders, who often just want to focus on delivering deep arts-based experiences to youth. The Center for CYD works with organizations and programs to reimagine and innovate new approaches to nonprofit systems that complement the culture and true needs of CYD work.
Although the need for Capacity Building services is national in scope, we are currently focused on our local community of San Diego County. As The Center builds capacity and proof of concept with our current grantees and partners, we can then work toward serving a larger geographic footprint.
The Center works directly with our partner organizations to meet short, mid, and long-term needs. Our services are tailored to respond to the unique needs of individual organizations, and are meant to meet immediate needs while also implementing systems that support long-term sustainability and success for our partners.